(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. The role of containment and rules in the acquisition of underlying forms. Talk at Conference on Competing Motivations, Leipzig.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Acquisition of alternations. Talk at 5. jährliches Treffen des SPP 1234, München.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Acquisition of voicing and vowel alternations in German. Poster at Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 35), Boston, USA.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. Acquisition of alternations. Vortrag bei 6th Phonetik und Phonologie Tagung, Frankfurt am Main.

(2010) Baer-Henney, D. & R. van de Vijver. Learning morphophonemic alternations: Effects of naturalness and frequency. Poster at 18th Manchester Phonology Meeting, Manchester, Großbritannien.

(2010) van de Vijver, R. & D. Baer-Henney. An experimental study of the acquisition of natural and unnatural alternations by German children. Poster at 7th Old World Conference in Phonology, Nizza, Frankreich.