(oder auch Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
Planning of a public relations project together with Dr. Dinah Baer-Henney for a DFG funded Collaborative Research Center (CRC).
Print and Internet:
2022, September: Short feature about me, PostDoc Appreciation week, Juno, HHU.
2022, August: “Niet alleen amuzikaal, ook amuzitaal” (in Dutch) article in Neerlandistiek about my amusia research.
2022, March: University of Düsseldorf reports about the Dialektprojekt.
2022, March: Universiteit van Amsterdam reports about my amusia research (in Dutch): Geen ritme of toon herkennen: dit is amusie
2021, April: Freies Wort writes about the Dialektprojekt in times of corona: Den Stänichän auf den Mund geschaut.
2020, October: Zeit Wissen article about the Dialektprojekt.
2020, April: Freies Wort writes about the Dialektprojekt in times of corona: Ins Sprachlabor ganz ohne Mundschutz
2020, February: Freies Wort: Steinach freut sich aufs Studentenleben
2020, January: Freies Wort writes about the commencement of the Dialektprojekt: Stänichä Spraouch weckt Forschergeist
2019, November: Steinacher Bote writes about the founding and funding of the Dialektprojekt: Damit die Mundart lebendig bleibt
2019, July: The Rheinische Post writes about our booth at the Night of Science (Nacht der Wissenschaft): Wenn Musik zur Plage wird
2018, May: An article in the United Academics Magazine about my research: Thank You for the Music – or Not?
2018, January: The Rheinische Post writes about our research in the article: Musik? Einfach nur Krach
2017, November: Calender sheet contribution to the pART of research calendar of the HHU Düsseldorf.
2017, August: The Magazin der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf writes „Farbenblindheit mit den Ohren – Jasmin Pfeifer untersucht eine kaum bekannte Wahrnehmungsstörung“ about my research
2017, July: The Dutch magazine Onze Taal writes about my research in the article „Goede oren, toch niet alles horen“.
2016, July: SMART Cognitive Science interview about „Exploratory research on speech perception in amusics“.
2015, December: Heine Research Academies interview: Jasmin Pfeifer- Doktorandin an der HHU und der Universität von Amsterdam.
2013, December: Dutch Folia Magazine writes about my search for participants: UvA-onderzoeker zoekt amuzikaalste studenten
TV and Radio:
2022, December: Deutschlandfunk Interview „Dialekte in der Politik: Beständig und beworben“.
2021, October: Podcast episode about the genetics of congenital amusia on genetics unzipped
2020, August: Campusradio HHU: radio interview about amusia
2020, January: Stadtkanal Steinach (TV, 01.2020): Interview about the Dialektprojekt.
2019, July: Kölncampus radio interview about congenital amusia.
2017, December: Contributed a question (Nr.5) to the Dutch Nationale Wetenschapsquiz 2017
2014, April: TV-documentary about my research on congenital amusia, aired at NDR (Norddeutscher Rundfunk): „Wenn Musik zum Lärm wird“.
Social Media:
Facebook page about congenital amusia
Public Lectures and Engagement:
2022, May: Pint of Science Festival Düsseldorf- Invited talk about congenital amusia
2021, April: Presentation about Congenital amusia to high school students at Staatliche Berufsbildende Schule Sonneberg (SBBS), Thuringia, Germany.
2020, September: Pint of Science Festival – Invited talk about congenital amusia
2019, September: Sound Laboratory – Organization of an information booth for the general public at „Nacht der Wissenschaft“ (night of science) together with R. van de Vijver, HHU, Düsseldorf, Germany.
2019, January: Einführung in die Amusieforschung – Invited talk held at Institut für Musikpädagogig (to educate future music teachers about congenital amusia), Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany.
2018, October: Introduction to Congenital Amusia – Invited talk held at Institute for Musicology, University of Cologne, Germany.
2016, September: Congenital Amusia – What’s that? – Invited talk at HHU alumni forum, Düsseldorf, Germany.
2015, December: Taal en Muziek: Amusie. – Invited Talk at Helios Taalcafe, December 3, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2015, September: Phonetics, psycholinguistics and congnital amusia – Organization of information booth for the general public at Nacht der Wissenschaft (night of science) together with K. Sternke, HHU, Düsseldorf, Germany.
2015, April: Congenital amusia – What’s that? – Public lecture held at Humanities Presents in Spui 25, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2014, June: Congenital amusia and music education – Invited lecture at Folkwang University of the Arts (to educate future music teachers about congenital amusia), Essen, Germany.
Science Slams:
2017, July: Thank you for the music – or not ?!. Science Slam held at Bochum TOTAL Festival, Bochum, Germany.
2016, November: Thank you for the music – or not ?!. Science Slam held at Bahnhof Langendreer, Bochum, Germany.
2016, June: Thank you for the music – or not ?!. Science Slam held at the HHU Science Slam, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Science Slam Video:
Was ist Amusie?