Current Projects:
Research on congenital amusia
Speech perception
Brain stimulation
Visuospatial impairments
Irony perception
Pitch perturbation
Speech production

Über „Klöß“, „Kruserich“ und „es Mädlä mit’n Klädlä“ – Den heimischen Dialekt erforschen, erwandern und dabei Grenzen überschreiten funded by a grant of the Bürgeruniversität of the Heinrich-Heine-Universität.

Analysis of a German dialect „Stänichä“ involving Citizen Scientists in Steinach Thüringen. See also under Dialektprojekt and the project website for information in German.
The Genetic Basis of Congenital Amusia together with Dr. Kevin Lüthy. Supported by the Anton-Betz-Stiftung (grant to Jasmin Pfeifer).
- We are conducting a genetic analysis of congenital amusia.
Completed Projects:
Congenital Amusia and Speech Perception together with Dr. Silke Hamann. This research was funded by an NWO grant (2013-2017) to Prof. Dr. Paul Boersma and Jasmin Pfeifer. For more information see under Amusia and the project website.
- We are investigating speech perception impairments in congenital amusia utilizing behavioral and EEG paradigms. We are interested in the perception of small pitch differences, quantitative and qualitative vowel differences, and stress minimal pairs.
2014-2015: Work on Congenital Amusia and electric brain stimulation together with Dr. Nora Schaal at HHU, Düsseldorf.
- We investigated whether tACS would positively influence the working memory of amusics (see publications for results).
2013-2014: Project leader E-learning in linguistics. Project funded by E-learning Förderfonds of the HHU, Düsseldorf (grant to Jasmin Pfeifer).
- Development of E-learning material for courses in phonetics and phonolgy, morphology and syntax with Dr. Anja Larouite and Prof. Dr. Ruben van de Vijver.
2010-2011: DFG-funded project: Eine Typologie pronominaler Argumentnullsubjekte – Referenz, Rekonstruktion und Entwicklung von Nullpronomen in finiten Sätzen
- Work under the supervision of Dr. Melani Wratil and Prof. Dr. Peter Gallmann at Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany.
2010: Linguistic fieldwork in Australia at Mirima Dawang Language and Culture Centre, Kununurra, Australia.
- Analysis of phonetics and phonology of Miriwoong and development of teaching materials under the supervision of Dr. Knut Olawsky.
Projects that did not receive funding:
Research project on the role of morphologically driven phonetic detail in speech perception and comprehension for a DFG funded Collaborative Research Center (CRC) and planning and coordination of said CRC with and for Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag.