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Peer-reviewed papers
- Wiskandt, Niklas. in press. Light verb constructions with experiencer objects in Germanic and Romance – A corpus-based contrastive perspective on ‚make‘ and ‚give‘ patterns. To appear in Jens Fleischhauer & Anna Riccio (eds.). Light verb constructions from a cross-linguistic perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Wiskandt, Niklas & Dila Turus. in press. Verb-LVC pairs with experiencer objects in German: Differences in usage and meaning. To appear in Torsten Leuschner, Jóhanna Barðdal, Gauthier Delaby & Anaïs Vajnovszki (eds.). How to Do Things with Corpora – Methodological Issues and Case Studies on Grammar. Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics Series. Berlin: J.B. Metzler.
- Wiskandt, Niklas & Dila Turus. 2023. Wie man Linguisten in Begeisterung versetzt: Drei Muster von Funktionsverbgefügen mit Objekt-Experiencern [‚How to get linguists excited: Three patterns of light verb constructions with experiencer objects‘]. Germanistische Werkstatt 12, 149-162.
- Wiskandt, Niklas. 2021. Scale-based object marking in Spanish and Portuguese: leísmo, null objects, and DOM. In Johannes Kabatek, Philipp Obrist, & Albert Wall (eds.). Differential Object Marking in Romance. The third wave. Berlin: De Gruyter. 213-241.
- Wiskandt, Niklas. 2021. Paul ärgert sich, nervt sich aber nicht. Semantische Merkmale deutscher Objekt-Experiencer-Verben und ihr Einfluss auf Antikausativkonstruktionen [‚Semantic features of Germen object-experiencer verbs and their influence on anticausative constructions‘]. In Gabriela Jelitto-Piechulik et al. (eds.). Germanistische Werkstatt 11, 245-259.
Edited volume
- Elga Cremades, Rolf Kailuweit & Niklas Wiskandt. under contract. Psych Predicates in Romance Languages. Venice: Edizioni Ca’Foscari – Venice University Press.
- 2024
- Wiskandt, Niklas. Psych alternation beyond the psych alternation – A unified approach to constructional variation in Romance psych predicates — Poster presented at „Going Romance 2024“, Braga, Portugal
- Wiskandt, Niklas. Exploring the combinatorics of voice markers – A case study on passivization in Turkish — Talk given at „57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea“, Workshop 13 „Passive and passivization across languages in dynamic and typological perspectives“, Helsinki, Finland
- Pfeifer, Jasmin, Julia Stiebritz-Banischewski, Niklas Wiskandt & Daniel Dörler. Citizen Science in der universitären Lehre [‚Citizen Science in academic teaching‘] — Workshop organized at „Forum Citizen Science 2024“, Hamburg, Germany
- Wiskandt, Niklas. Psych alternation beyond the psych alternation! A unified approach to constructional variation in the psych domain — Poster presented at „LinPin 2024“, Aachen, Germany
- Wiskandt, Niklas. A typological perspective on morphological and periphrastic combinations of valency operations — Talk accepted for „Emerging Topics in Typology 2024“, Stockholm, Sweden
- Wiskandt, Niklas. A corpus study on experiencer object light verb constructions across Romance languages — Talk given at „54th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages“, Provo, UT, USA
- Wiskandt, Niklas. A typological perspective on the nature of psych detransitivization in Romance and Germanic — Poster presented at „Purdue Linguistics Symposium 2024“, West Lafayette, IN, USA
- 2023
- Wiskandt, Niklas. The nature of the psych alternation in Romance – A typological approach — Talk given at „Psych Predicates in Romance Languages“ Workshop, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Blanchard-Rooney, Addison J., Jessica Schamne, Patricia Meier & Niklas Wiskandt. A service learning perspective on urban minority language documentation — Talk given at „Documenting languages, documenting cultures: Migration, minorities, dialects“, Napoli, Italy
- Wiskandt, Niklas & Dila Turus. Simplex-LVC pairs with experiencer objects in German: How causativity can ‘transfer us into excitement’ — Talk accepted for „16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference“, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Wiskandt, Niklas, Rolf Kailuweit & Jorina Fenner. Object-experiencer verbs in Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian: Setting the stage for a cross-linguistic model — Invited talk given at the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma, Spain
- Wiskandt, Niklas, Isabella Greisinger & Ana Krajinović. Teaching urban fieldwork at universities helps language documentation and preservation — Talk given at „Minority Languages in the City“, Leeuwarden, Netherlands
- 2022
- Wiskandt, Niklas & Dila Turus. Systematic semantic differences between object-experiencer LVCs and corresponding simplex verbs in German — Talk given at „Grammar and Corpora 2022“, Ghent, Belgium
- Kailuweit, Rolf, Niklas Wiskandt & Jorina Fenner. Object-experiencer verbs in Catalan and other Romance languages: Activity contrast and morphosyntactic marking — Talk given at „28. Deutscher Katalanistentag“, Bern, Switzerland
- Wiskandt, Niklas & Dila Turus. Bringing experiencers into rage and excitement: Light verb constructions with experiencer objects in German — Talk given at „15th Forum for Germanic Language Studies Conference“, Reading, UK
- 2021
- 2020
- Wiskandt, Niklas. Paul ärgert sich, nervt sich aber nicht. Semantische Merkmale deutscher ObjExp-Verben und ihr Einfluss auf Antikausativkonstruktionen [‚Semantic features of Germen object-experiencer verbs and their influence on anticausative constructions‘] — Talk given at “9. Internationale Germanistische Werkstatt”, Opole, Poland
- Wiskandt, Niklas. Animarse a sí mismo, enfadarse sin motivo: Restrictions on the formation and interpretation of reflexive constructions with experiencer verbs – Talk given at “Digital Workshop on Spanish Syntax”, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Wiskandt, Niklas. From Icelandic to Swedish, from reflexive to antipassive: The suffix -s(t) in cross-linguistic comparison — Talk given at “14th Forum for Germanic Language Studies Conference”, Bristol, UK
- 2019