Welcome to the Anglophone Literary Studies Blog!
This blog project was devised by two lecturers at the department for Anglophone Literary Studies and Literary Translation (ANG 5) of the Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf, Bettina Burger and Lucas Mattila, with the support of Prof. Dr. Birgit Neumann and the ANG 5 team.
Initially, the blog began as an outlet for the teaching and research project “Charting the Australian Fantastic” and its blog “Speculative Australia”. Thus, “Speculative Australia” is currently the most active category as it is used by previous, current, and future students of courses centring on Australian speculative fiction at the HHU, especially those who take part in the Praxismodul version of the class, which has so far been offered in the summer term 2020, winter term 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023.
We do hope that the blog will also encourage other lecturers to use this outlet in order to help students engage more actively with the literature they are studying as well as engage with a wider public – the readership of this website. Currently, posts that go beyond the initial subject of Australian speculative fiction will be published under the category “Further Courses and Topics” as well as more specific subcategories but we are very happy to add other main categories as long as they fall broadly within the fields of study covered by the HHU English and American Studies Department. If you are a lecturer or student at our department wishing to suggest an additional category or contribute a blog post, please contact us at Lucas.Mattila@hhu.de or at Bettina.Burger@hhu.de (new categories may be course titles or certain subject areas, e.g. “Ecocriticism in Anglophone novels” etc.). You must also contact us if you have registered and want to gain access to the blog as a contributor – we will activate you as soon as possible.
The posting of actual content began in the summer term 2021 and has continued since then, incorporating student blog posts from various courses.
Anglistik V (HHU) |
Centre for Australian Studies |
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