Schlagwort-Archive: post-monolingual
Analysing multilingual sentences with ANNIS
For me, working with ANNIS was much more fun than annotating sentences in Google Collab. I liked actually being able to get some quantifications out of the sentences we annotated. Although in the end the corpus we uploaded on ANNIS … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit ANNIS, digital humanities, multilingual, POS-tagging, post-anglophone, post-monolingual
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Conversion and Annotation of Susan Abulhawa’s „The Blue Between Sky and Water“, or A Demonstration of Software Failure through Anglocentrism?
Introduction Having focused on reading literature through a postcolonial studies lens as well as on Eurocentric bias in the field of linguistics throughout my studies, the attempt of using conversion and annotation tools on a postcolonial post-monolingual Anglophone novel seemed … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Blog posts, Student entries, Writing across Languages
Verschlagwortet mit anglocentrism, annotating, annotation, converting, digital humanities, multilingualism, POS-tagging, post-monolingual, student entry
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