Working with ANNIS has been a new experience for me, as I haven’t closely worked with corpus searches before. The interface was a bit overwhelming and confusing at first, but with some visual instructions it was easier to navigate the…
Working with ANNIS on multilingual Sentences – Experience and Analysis
Set up and first impressions I found working with ANNIS both fun and insightful. I especially appreciated that query results displayed annotations and sentence dependencies immediately, unlike in Google Collab, where multiple intermediate steps were needed. This intuitive interface made…
ANNIS – Much Potential, Hindered by Machine Annotation
Experience Using ANNIS After getting used to the surface, I found ANNIS to be very user-friendly. The Query-Builder allows for a combination of all kinds of prompts. In theory, this could be used to find out how many non-English words…
Using ANNIS as a Tool in Analysing Multilingual Sentences
To me, using ANNIS to study and interpret the annotations of our collective corpus was fun. But only after figuring out the limits and possibilities that diffeI focused on one particular area. It was possible to discover different patterns in…
ANNIS or Google Collab?
Well, they both are terribly bad at recognizing „foreign“ words (which basically means, any non-English words) in Multilingual structures where different languages are combined to create sentences. Honestly, I expected ANNIS to do a better job at annotating the multilingual…
Multi-Lingual Annotations in Python with „A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers“
This was not my first time working with Python to figure out the tokens of sentences via computational means. However, my last time working with Python (in a linguistics BA seminar with Prof. Kevin Tang) has been some time back,…
Annotating multilingual sentences in „America Is Not The Heart“ by Elaine Castillo
Working with Google Collab to do the sentence annotations wasn’t so scary to me because I was already familiar with some coding/programming and linguistics from my bachelor. However, I haven’t worked with both in combination like this before, so that…
Annotating Multilingual Sentences in Yara Rodrigues Fowler’s „Stubborn Archivist“ – Experience & Observations
Initially, I was intrigued but also a bit worried about working on this project with Python, as previous linguistic research during my bachelor’s taught me that working with programming software can be a bit error-prone and frustrating at times. However,…
Conversion and Annotation of Susan Abulhawa’s „The Blue Between Sky and Water“, or A Demonstration of Software Failure through Anglocentrism?
Introduction Having focused on reading literature through a postcolonial studies lens as well as on Eurocentric bias in the field of linguistics throughout my studies, the attempt of using conversion and annotation tools on a postcolonial post-monolingual Anglophone novel seemed…
Converting and Annotating Multilingual Sentences & Quotes – My Experience
Initially, I was very unsure about this task, because as someone who has focused on literature during their studies (for good reason), I am neither that good at linguistics, nor at programming or coding. While it seemed an intriguing task,…