Monatsarchive: Juli 2024
Our corpus
Parts of speech Our corpus consists of 681 non-English and 3405 English words, meaning 4086 words in total. Here are some of the distributions as they were classified by the machine: Part of speech Total amount of part of speech … Weiterlesen
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Verschlagwortet mit corpus, digital humanities, literary translation, multilingualism, shared experience, student entry
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Interpretation and Analysis (with reference to example sentences from Owuor’s novel Dust)
In class, we developed the hypothesis that the inclusion of nouns from a foreign language into a post-monolingual text might in general be more likely than the inclusion of other parts of speech. Our reasoning was that we deem their … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Blog posts, Student entries, Writing across Languages
Verschlagwortet mit digital humanities, multilingualism, student entry
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