Archiv des Autors: annapri
ANNIS – Much Potential, Hindered by Machine Annotation
Experience Using ANNIS After getting used to the surface, I found ANNIS to be very user-friendly. The Query-Builder allows for a combination of all kinds of prompts. In theory, this could be used to find out how many non-English words … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Blog posts, Student entries, Writing across Languages
Verschlagwortet mit anglocentrism, ANNIS, annotation, corpus, digital humanities, literary translation, machine annotation, machine translation, machine translation bias, manual annotation, multilingualism, POS-tagging
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Conversion and Annotation of Susan Abulhawa’s „The Blue Between Sky and Water“, or A Demonstration of Software Failure through Anglocentrism?
Introduction Having focused on reading literature through a postcolonial studies lens as well as on Eurocentric bias in the field of linguistics throughout my studies, the attempt of using conversion and annotation tools on a postcolonial post-monolingual Anglophone novel seemed … Weiterlesen
Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Blog posts, Student entries, Writing across Languages
Verschlagwortet mit anglocentrism, annotating, annotation, converting, digital humanities, multilingualism, POS-tagging, post-monolingual, student entry
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