During the session on May 25, 2023, the focus was on group work. Prior to this session, we were divided into groups and each group was assigned a different folktale to code. Before diving into the group work, Michael took some time to discuss common mistakes and areas for improvement in the codes.
An example of an improvement discussed during the session was to include an empty row at the start and end of a song. This can be represented by the XML tags <row><cell></cell></row>. Including this empty row helps to enhance the visual clarity and organization of the XML file, especially when it is converted into a PDF format.
Here is an example.
This is what it looks like when you include an empty row at the beginning of a song:

In contrast, this is what it looks like when you exclude the empty row:

The focus of this week’s session was on group work and highlighting the importance of small details that significantly enhance code readability and structure. By incorporating these relatively simple elements, we ensure that our final code is visually pleasing and organized.