Coding for <term ref=gloss1> blutige Anfänger </term>

<TEI xmlns=”″>




<title> Coding for <term ref=gloss1> blutige Anfänger </term> </title>

                <author> Jule Wolters </author>





         <div type=”introduction”>

         <head type=”subTitle”> Introduction</head>


Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog entry about our second Coding lesson in the seminar „Demarginalising Orature: Translating Minor Forms into the Digital Age“. To be completely honest with you, I had very little to no hope for today’s class. I feel more at home in books and the literary aspect of my course of study than in anything regarding linguistics, statistics, etc. But I was extremely positively surprised at the outcome and would like to share with you my biggest take-aways, or maybe tips and tricks in a way, in the hopes that they might aid us all when we start coding our folktales.</p>


<div type=”story”>

<head type=subtitle>Story</head>


1. Closing your tags

We spoke about this in our first session, but I had no idea what it meant. Thankfully, during our “Find the errors” exercise, I understood that “closing it” stands for:

– repeating your tag

– but adding a / before the word and behind the <

I found it very helpful that Visual Studio Code immediately creates the closing tag when you open one, even though I did start writing them manually and then got confused why I had multiple closing tags.

2. Finding said tags

Also in our “Find the errors” exercise, there were intentionally rows left blank which then looked like this:

As a <term ref=gloss1> blutiger Anfänger </term>, I was obviously confused about this. We’re at the end of the Header in my example photo, so it is likely that a tag needs to be closed here. I wasn’t sure which one though. But then I noticed the lines going up on the left and subsequently found out that:

  • You can follow the lines up and down to find your corresponding tag

Sadly, multiple tags can be attached to the same line. I still found it very helpful to use these as signposts.

I search of the tag needing closing, I went upwards, always looking at the second line. Here I found a few tags attached to Line number 2, but all of these had already been closed. So on my search went…

… all the way to the top of my header. There I found <teiHeader>. A quick look confirmed: this tag hasn’t been closed, which solves my “empty line mystery”.

3. Staying calm during big sequences

In our header, there is one sequence that looks like this:

This needs two screenshots as it is so long. I believe there was an error hidden in this too, which of course is quite mean as a <term ref=gloss1> blutiger Anfänger </term> coder is going to feel as if the words are moving on the screen. I ended up zooming into the sequence. I found the opening and corresponding closing tag and looked at each individually. This helped me not lose focus and to not get overwhelmed.

Bonus Tip

Imagine yourself as a super villain writing code to defeat his enemies.

Because this is what I feel like when coding and I absolutely love it.



<div type=”conclusion>

<head type=subtitle>Conclusion</head>


And thus I would like to close my tags and end my blog entry! I hope this is a little bit helpful to some of you and I’m looking forward to discovering what else we’re going to learn from Anne and Michael, our Coding Pros. </p>


<div type=”glossary”>

                <head type=”subTitle”>Glossary </head>

                <list type=”gloss”>

                    <label>Blutige(r) Anfänger</label><item><gloss xml:id=”gloss1″> German term for someone who has no experience in a certain task </gloss></item>





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4 Responses to Coding for <term ref=gloss1> blutige Anfänger </term>

  1. hakue111 says:

    Thank you for this interesting and very entertaining blog entry! What's better than learning and laughing? :) Kind regards hakue111

  2. Tasun says:

    Thanks for sharing your exciting experience, Jule. The fun has just begun!

  3. LaraW. says:

    Wonderful post, Jule! Very creative set up and just the right amount of information to refresh my coding "skills". Thank you, especially for the bonus tip!

  4. Jessica Hüttig says:

    Absolutely love how you wrote the blog post similar to the coding exercise, very creative use of new knowledge! And the bit about feeling like a supervillain is very relatable :) I too learned that what seemed quite scary and overwhelming at first can actually be quite fun! (And the edited picture of Wade/Drakken is just perfection XD)

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