[Addendum] Folktales, language and culture


Hello everyone! This blog entry was meant to be published a while ago – sorry for the delay! Luckily, Anne also published a blog entry on that lesson of the “Demarginalising Orature – Translating minor forms into the digital age” seminar. I hope you have all read it, it was very informative and I can only add a few things.

Why the Wasp has a Tiny Waist

Something Tasun said in the seminar that stuck with me was how folktales in general have multiple important functions. In fact, they do not only have entertainment qualities but also contain moral lessons and are used as pedagogical tools. They can teach the values and customs of a specific culture. One example for this would be the folktale “Why the Wasp has a Tiny Waist”, which we have also talked about in the seminar.


To sum it up, the lesson successfully conveyed the cultural importance of Konkomba folktales and the Likpakpaln language. Therefore, it is important to preserve them (e.g. by making them accessible to a broader audience). Hopefully, this blog entry can play a tiny part in this.

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3 Responses to [Addendum] Folktales, language and culture

  1. ctsdus says:

    Better late than never, Livia!? Thanks for reminding us about the importance of folktales.

  2. anneschu says:

    Dear Livia, this is a great addition to my entry and I really enjoyed reading your take on the folktale! :)

  3. nadinedor says:

    Hi Livia, thanks for your additions to the topic! I really like how you used pictures and links to give us even further information on the Konkomba folktales :)

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