Searching for non existent errors

Searching for nonexistent Errors

The task is fun

Should be easily done

Fifteen mistakes 

Waiting to be found

Happy to partake

I start this round.


Going through every line

This header looks fine.

Searching for errors

In this faulty script

Feeling the terror

As nothing is clipped.

This script is immaculate

No mistake to be found

Everything accurate

I do make a sound

“Can you please help me?

There is nothing incorrect!”

I am about to disconnect

If I don’t find anything yet!

“oh, It appears to be

That someone altered the file”

Well, thats some tea!

I See a tiny smile.

No wonder there was nothing to find

It wasn’t me, I was not blind.

There was just someone in class

Who worked really really fast!

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3 Responses to Searching for non existent errors

  1. Tasun says:

    Wow, @louisaurach! Thanks for this innovative style of presenting your experience.

  2. yawol101 says:

    Haha, that is a perfect way to describe the frustration we all feel when looking for that tiny mistake in the code, only for the answer to be something really easy/obvious. Also, I think I may have been the person who edited the code on the data bank rather than my local files ^^

  3. Jessica Hüttig says:

    Poetry is usually not much my thing but I quite like this one :) very enjoyable to read, very nicely done! And yes figuring out how Sciebo worked was definitely a bit of an adventure at times in this class XD

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