Author Archives: Michael-Zane
Group Work: Final Edits
During the session on the 19th of January, we worked on the finer details of our TEI files in Visual Studio Code. Because each group received a piece of paper that listed their errors, we spent the session correcting them. … Continue reading
Posted in Allgemein, Demarginalising Orature, Student Entries
Tagged coding, demarginalisingorature, digitalise, Folktales, Konkomba, learning experience, TEI
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Guest Lecture on The Sɩsaala Dirge by Dr. Confidence Gbolo Sanka
Introduction Last week we listened to a lecture about Ghanaian funerals by Dr. Sanka. The lecture was mainly focused on the nature and qualities of the Sɩsaala dirges as well as answering what exactly makes them literary. What is a … Continue reading