Tag Archives: Konkomba
Demarginalising Orature – Translating Minor Forms into the Digital Age (WiSe 22/23)
Introduction In the winter term of 2022/23, I participated in the ‘Demarginalising Orature’ seminar, organised and held by Dr. Eva Ulrike Pirker, Tasun Tidorchibe and Jana Mankau. The seminar aims at “decolonizing knowledge and making knowledge (and primary materials) from … Continue reading
Last Session: Presentations
For our last session on Thursday, 26th January, we were tasked with presenting the projects that we had been working on throughout the semester. We discussed the coding and video editing process and experience of the folktales of the Konkomba … Continue reading
Group Work: Final Edits
During the session on the 19th of January, we worked on the finer details of our TEI files in Visual Studio Code. Because each group received a piece of paper that listed their errors, we spent the session correcting them. … Continue reading
Introduction to video editing and subtitling
Hello everyone!In this post I’m going to tell you a little bit about our last “Demarginalising Orature” session. As you may have guessed from the title, we talked about and worked on video editing and especially subtitling. In the past … Continue reading
Group Work: Encoding folktales
In today’s session we did a presentation of our group work: Every group of two to three people encoded a folktale into TEI. We shared our experience with encoding itself, issues that occurred while working on the stories, and problems … Continue reading
Aesthetics of Konkomba folktales
The issue of library catalogues and classification We started the session by discussing this question: In which category can we sort Konkomba folktales? We watched a video of one such folktale. The storyteller uses gestures, imitates sounds, sings alone and … Continue reading
The Homestretch of our TEI Introduction
Last week we finished our introduction to TEI and started our group work of this semester. TEI Introduction III For the TEI part of the class we dealt with common mishaps that occurred in our TEI documents of the folktale … Continue reading
[Addendum] Folktales, language and culture
Introduction Hello everyone! This blog entry was meant to be published a while ago – sorry for the delay! Luckily, Anne also published a blog entry on that lesson of the “Demarginalising Orature – Translating minor forms into the digital … Continue reading
Protected: Introduction to TEI and its header
Folktales: On the Preservation of Culture and Language
In our last session in the course “Demarginalising Orature – Translating minor forms into the digital age” we talked a lot about culture and language, their relation to folktales, and also how important folktales are in order to preserve them. … Continue reading